November 25, 2008

This is the first entry for me on this site. "If'" you are interested in the previous entries, go to . I moved from yahoo because I kept losing my postings. I wonder if I can transfer my yahoo blog entries to blogger? I would sure hate to loss them.
Nothing has happened in the last few days. DH filled out the form to request the divorce certificate from his first marriage. The Foster agency needs it. I have to fax it this evening after work. I may try to fax it from work but it's a long distance number so I would need approval. The only time I have reservation about becoming a foster parent is early in the morning when I don't want to get up for work. I'm wondering what it will be like it get up in the middle of the night for a crying child. Or how many times I will be late to work because the child wakes up while I'm getting ready. I guess I will just plan to get up a little earlier to allow for time.

November 23, 2008

November 23, 2008

I picked up the car seat today. It's nice looking and new. I haven't tried to put it in the SUV yet. I think I will wait until after we are certified. I also made copies of our birth certificates, our marriage license and our social security cards. I kind of screwed up at work the other day, I was looking at the car seat online and MFF was seating next to me and made a comment about getting a child and the possibility of adoption. Well, it was right before shift change so there were a lot of people in the room. One of my coworkers over heard and asked my if we were getting a baby? MFF quickly jumped in and told her that we were becomming foster parents before I could even say "maybe, don't know". Everyone else started asking question all at once. I didn't go into detail. DH & I were trying to keep it on the "down low" just in case it doesn't work out. I haven't even told any of my family except my sister. I'm sure there will be lots of questions at work tomorrow.

November 22, 2008

November 21, 2008

Somehow I lost my last entry. Wednesday (two days ago), Linda came over to the house and was here for about two hours. It didn't seem like that long. We talked about all kinds of things. DH & I learned a lot and asked a lot of questions. We told Linda that we only wanted one child to start with. We don't really care about the ethnic background or gender. The next step is to get references. I think we have picked our four. Now I just have to get the names and addresses to Linda. Then we have to collect a bunch of documents. I think we have everything except DH's divorce papers from "before my time". After Linda left, I had to drive over to pick up a toy box I bought on Craigs list. It's really cute. It has Noah on one end and his Ark on the other end. I got it for $12. A little girl was selling her toys to buy her hamster a new cage. Yesterday I found a new car seat on Craigs list selling for $120. Today I offered her $90, she took $95. I'm picking it up Sunday. I just hope I'm not getting too far ahead. DH asked me today "what if we don't go through with it, what are we going to do with the stuff". I told him we would just sell it or give it away! I don't forsee us not following through. We could have a child in our house by April. Oh, Linda told us that it probably won't be a real young child (infant). I'm guessing maybe 3 or 4 years. The car seat fits 5-100 pounds.

November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008

Linda returned my call that I placed yesterday. She will be coming out next Wednesday for the home inspection. I traded my day off next week - Thursday for Wednesday. I have a lot of cleaning to do to make a good impression. Our house isn't dirty but it's cluddered so I have to get rid of stuff and find places for other stuff. We also have two dogs and a cat along with a cat, down the road, that has adopted us. So, needless to say there is hair where there shouldn't be hair! I don't know for sure what comes next. I guess I will find out next Wednesday. Oh, I bought my first item. I went into Tuesday Mornings to look around and found a little, tan, stuffed dog for $1.99. I thought it would be good to give to the first child. I also bought a book of ideas to play with a baby/child. I think it will come in handy

November 11, 2008

November 10, 2008

'Linda' called me back today. Linda is our contact at the foster agency. She answered some of our questions like when we would be taking the classes, what the next step is and how we are reimbursed for expenses. It turns out that they only have classes every six months and they just finished classes. The next set of classes are not until February or March. We could take them early through the county but there is a charge and we would still have to take extra classes for this agency. The next step is a home inspection. She will come over when it's a good time for her and us. She said part of it is measuring the bedroom, checking the smoke alarms and things like that. Before she leaves, she will give us a check list of things that will have to be done before we get certified. She also agreed with me that we should watch for a crib, a toddler bed and possibly things like a high chair. The reimbursement is actually a per diem. The per diem is paid the 10th of every month. It's approximately $35 per child for normal, reasonably adjust children, $40/child if they are in diapers and $45/child for teenage sex offenders. Like I previously stated, we only want under school aged children and I'm actually thinking about telling her we only want one or two, no more. She wants to approve us for three children but I know that would be too much. I think I will call her tomorrow to see if she can come over next Wednesday.

November 7, 2008

November 07, 2008

Up to this point I have only written about growing stuff (see past blogs) but I think I will start writing about our journey to become foster parents and what it entails. So far I have contacted a private agency and have received a packet (more like a pamphlet) of information. One of the first things we have to do is have a home visit. I tried to call our contact (we'll call her Linda) both yesterday and today but yesterday she was out of the office for training and I'm guessing it's the same today. I have a couple questions for her, like how much is reimbursable. I know daycare isn't but what about food and other everyday stuff. I have heard that some states pay a flat amount but it's hard to find out how much. We are not doing this for the money but we don't want to spend the money we have saved for retirement either. I have told her that we would prefer an under school age child of no particular race. We would prefer a single child but will be approved for up to three. Linda said they usually come "more than one". They don't split siblings up. I have checked out quite a few websites for information. A lot of people suggest we have items on hand. Like a bed, clothes, sippy cups, bottles, toys, car seat, etc. I got on Craig's list yesterday to look at what was available. I found a car seat and some other stuff. I even went to goodwill and found a baby bathtub. I did not buy anything. I think it's too early. I have read that this could be anywhere from a 4-6 week to a 6 month process. I guess it depends on how fast we complete the 20 hours of training and how quick the back ground checks and inspections go.